Home > Our Work > Committees
Union Park has three standing committees:
Land Use and Economic Development (CLUED)
Neighborhood Sustainability and Vitality Committee (NSVC)
Union Park's committees are made up of dedicated and engaged volunteers from our community. They meet once a month and work on issues including transportation, land development, parks improvements, community building and more. They provide a forum for community discussion, inform residents, and make recommendations to the Board and city decision-makers on community issues. Committee meetings are open to the public, and we welcome residents to attend – and to join. It's easy and rewarding to get involved in the community by serving on a committee. For more information, feel free to contact us, or just show up!

This committee makes recommendations and informs residents on residential, commercial and transit development. We review variance applications and construction site plans, make recommendations on problem properties, support transit-oriented land use, and work with government officials to positively impact land use decisions.
Meets the third Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.
A combination of the former Neighborhood Involvement and Environment & Parks committees, NSVC works on a wide range of community-building and engagement projects in our neighborhoods. The committee prioritizes community building, quality of life issues, promotes neighborhood inclusion through meetings and events, and provides and exchanges information to ensure a healthy and vibrant neighborhood.
Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm.

The Transportation Committee advocates for the transportation objectives outlined in the Union Park Community Plan. The Committee addresses roadway design, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian access and infrastructure, traffic safety, community livability and other topics.
Meets the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm

Attending Meetings and Joining Committees
Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. Email leah@unionparkdc.org to sign up for a committee e-mailing list and receive meeting agendas. Each committee has their own e-mailing list.
All committee meetings are currently being held on Zoom.
Please check the calendar for links to each meeting.
To join a Committee, you’ll need to attend three consecutive meetings to become a voting member. Membership is limited to people over 17 years old who live--or own property or a business--within the Union Park boundaries. Voting privileges shall be revoked for any community member who misses three regular or special meetings over the course of a calendar year after becoming a voting member.