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Home > Our Work > About UPDC


The Union Park District Council is an independent nonprofit that engages the power of community to advance neighborhood vitality and develop neighborhood leadership. We represent the interests of the community on a broad range of public policy and city governance issues. From new building permits and university relations to transportation and environmental issues, we advise decision makers on a wide variety of topics and issues. Every official recommendation to the city and other policy-making body is the result of active citizen participation and deliberation on the part of our Committees or Board of Directors.


If you live within the borders of Union Park (in Saint Paul between the Mississippi River and Lexington Avenue, and University and Summit avenues) you are a member of our District.  Our work is carried out largely by dedicated and engaged volunteers from our community. Join us!

What We Do

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The Union Park District Council serves as an important source of information of interest to our community. We share stories and content via a wide range of platforms. If you are looking to get the word out about an event, project or anything else of interest to the community please let us know and we will share it with our networks.

Union Park District Council staff members have experience in conceptualizing, developing and implementing community-oriented projects and initiatives. We can serve as fiscal agent for neighborhood groups and organizations, and can advise individuals and groups applying for grants and funding. Whether you are looking for assistance navigating city processes or are looking to be connected to the right decision-makers and resources, let us know your plans and we'll do what we can to help you succeed.

Learn more about our parks, colleges, businesses, community gardens, and other neighborhood resources. Find out about transportation, trash & recycling, public safety, and more. Stay informed about neighborhood events, activities, and resources.

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Union Park District Council is governed by a volunteer board. Serving on the board is a great way to give back to your community and help ensure that Union Park continues to be a wonderful, diverse and engaging place to live. 

Union Park’s committees are made up of dedicated and engaged volunteers from our community. They typically meet once a month and work on a broad array of issues including transportation, land development, parks improvements, community building and more. Anyone can join a committee, and all of our committee meetings are open to the public.

Our work spans a wide variety of areas that include land use and development, transportation, sustainability, community building, and improving the overall livability and vitality of the Union Park community.  We establish Task Forces to address specific issues, completed our ten-year community plan, and always have a community engagement event in the works. Contact us to get involved.

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